
Hello World WHO AM I? I Do Lots of Things.
Be Inspired.
In these pages you will find only a small part of my projects.
Over the course of these 20 years as a professional in website development and as a graphic designer I have not stopped for a second, I have always given my best for my clients, which has led me to other clients, who have to other customers, in an infinite loop that still leads me to discover new companies and individuals and to discover many new challenges in creating simple but elegant projects.

I love working with graphics, as a graduate in fine arts and IT expert I think I can make an interesting contribution to the development of a futuristic web.
Writer FIND INSPIRATION Writing is a
Beautiful Art
I have always loved writing, in all its forms, so I recently started writing articles of scientific, archaeological, technological and IT interest. In my blog you will find some examples to understand what I mean.

I hope my contribution will inspire you and help you with your future projects or to help you reflect on certain topics.
"Painting represents to the meaning with more truth and certainty the works of nature, which do not make words or letters, but letters represent with more truth the words to the meaning, which does not paint." Leonardo Da Vinci READ ARTICLES
Designer MY PROJECTS Things I Designed for Home From an early age one of my greatest passions has always been design, I admire the designers and planners who make household items with a dual function, artistic and practical. I hope one day to see my projects produced in series and used by anyone who is satisfied with them. VIEW MORE Developer MY WEBSITES Websites Designed and Built In all these years I have created over 30 sites designed by me, using pure programming code or the most popular CMS, using HTML, PHP, CSS, SQL and JS. VIEW MORE Graphic Designer MY DESIGNS Things I Designed for Print The printable graphic material I have created over the years is incalculable, from posters to brochures, logos, works of art, paintings, bookmarks, menus and any other printable media, including covers for music albums and books. VIEW MORE Multimedia MY WORKS Video and Graphic Products The printable graphic material I have created over the years is incalculable, from posters to brochures, logos, works of art, paintings, bookmarks, menus and any other printable media, including covers for music albums and books. VIEW MORE Web-Designer LATEST PROJECTS Make an Impression As a designer, I worked hard to learn how to correctly use the best software on the market so as to create high quality web graphics products for my customers, today I also dedicate myself to animations and merge them with programming to give extraordinary effects and usable. VIEW MORE

What once was done only with adobe flash and now can be achieved thanks to…


Music is something that I feel running through my veins since I was a child,…


Banners are still tools used on the web to advertise your site, your products or…


The creation of articles is something complex, it requires a lot of attention to detail,…


It may seem old-fashioned, but still many companies use advertising brochures able to direct the…

Business Cards

Business cards represent you and your company, in recent years I have had even 100…


Design is now everywhere, it deals with different aspects of people’s daily life, I want…


As both websites, desktop applications, and mobile websites now offer more features to end users,…

Digital Art

As a graduate in fine arts and computer graphics enthusiast I could not help but…

Graphic Design

The examples include designing some ambient advertising materials for clients companies, just as well as…


The interactive elements in web design are now fundamental, thanks to css and js they…


The logo is perhaps the most important element of a company, it represents you and…


Video and photography are now the center on which the attention of each user or…


With a degree in fine arts from an academy in Italy I think I have…


Like any artist, I too have always dabbled in the field of photography, be it…


After starting my process in creating advertising and music videos, I almost inevitably discovered the…


Whether it is an important event, an advertisement or a wall graphic, the poster is…


Other graphic creations that cannot be listed in the previous ones, but that somehow find…


Video creation is a complex process, especially if the result you want to achieve is…

Web Design

In just about 20 years the world of web design has transformed from a minuscule…

Latest Projects

01 TRIP TO PETRA Photography Project
May 2019
02 NATURE DYNAMO Photomontage Project
September 2020
03 Gaudiò Graphic Project
April 2018
04 THEME SWITCH Web Design Project
May 2019
05 ABSTRACTION Painting Project
February 2018
06 AGESCI MESSINA Development Project
June 2020
07 CAT BUTTON Interactive Project
July 2020

I've been designing stuff since 1999

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