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Characteristics of a good logo

Logos are fundamental to the image of any company, if well designed they can work wonders for a brand, while a bad one can cause a lot of damage. Creating a great logo takes a lot of thought and creativity, and a lot of elements need to come together to get it right.

If you are considering creating a new logo for yourself or your company, there are four key components that will help you express it to the fullest.

Good logos are useful

Essentially, logos are a graphic representation of you or your company. As such, they must be portable and versatile; easy to use in any situation. Some logos might look great on paper, but when you apply them to other situations, they just don’t fit. Size, color, and versatility matter, so creating something that works across a wide range of settings is important.

Good logos are memorable

Well-designed logos are unforgettable. Whenever the viewer sees your logo, they should recognize you and be able to immediately identify what you are doing and what you do.

Good logos have a sense of timelessness

Great logos have the potential to be used forever, regardless of current trends. It may need tweaking here and there, but the right logo is a logo that you can grow and evolve over time without sacrificing its fundamental meaning and symbolism.

Good logos are aesthetically attractive

Ugly and overly bold logos turn people off and attract the wrong kind of attention. Good logos appeal to the senses, evoke positivity, and must evoke positive emotions about you, your company, and its services.

It is important to remember that creating a good logo is difficult. It can take hours to work, hours to perfect, and sometimes even requires an outside opinion. However, it’s one of the most important things you’ll ever do as a business owner and it’s worth the time and effort to make sure you do it right.

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