
[Yucatán] Mexico
Story Trip
[ 01 / 05 ]
[Netherlands] Dutch
Story Trip
[ 02 / 05 ]
[Jordan] Petra Story Trip [ 03 / 05 ] [Felines] Only
Feline Stories
[ 04 / 05 ]
[Italy] In My
Life Story
[ 05 / 05 ]
One Detail [Yucatán] Mexico
My first trip outside my continent brought me great photographic inspiration, I had always wanted to visit the land of the Mayan people, the Yucatan is a truly magical place where light is the focal point of every panorama, photography in these territories is truly a unique experience, the sea merges with the sky and the green of the natural parks contrasts with the ancient ruins of the peoples who once lived there. I would recommend anyone a prolonged visit to these areas, unfortunately I spent only one week and I realized that it would take months to deeply explore this splendid place, full of magic, peace and harmony. I really loved her and the photos that represent her are crumbs of something sensational. All Photos
Temple of the Warriors - Chichén Itzá - Maya. Biosphere of Sian Ka'an - Yucatán.
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Two Detail [Netherlands] Dutch
Holland is probably among the most beautiful, liveable and in harmony with nature places in all of Europe. Visiting it makes you really want to go and live there, although the light is certainly dimmer than the southern countries it has nothing to envy to other countries. Proper management and the civilization of the inhabitants have made it truly special, every glimpse is a real work of art, you want to paint it. In the short time passed I found a lot of serenity and although the light was not always ideal for photographic shots it was impossible not to do it, cycling between parks and mills, animals and people. Truly a sight to visit, the Amsterdam orbotanist is a jewel that encompasses all the ecosystems of the planet earth, the variety of plants and trees and immense, an experience that I highly recommend you do at least once in your life. View Photos
Zaans Gedaan CacaoLab - Zaandam. Snail - Amsterdam Orthobotanist.
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Three Detail [Jordan] Petra My trip to Jordan is certainly one of the most controversial I have done in my life. I loved some things but I hated many others. It is certainly a fascinating place, full of traditions, Petra is magnificent and having seen one of the most spectacular places on our planet has certainly thrilled me, it seems to be on Mars in this red desert with the asphyxiating heat, the sun that illuminates everything leaving almost no shadow areas. I think it is worth visiting Petra but the rest of Jordan has left me few positive feelings and unfortunately a lot of bitterness in the mouth, maybe it's because I'm Western and having to deal with such a different people has blown me away. View Photos Natural water channeling - Petra, Jordan. Go Back Four Detail [Felines] Only
The Cats
Cats are certainly one of my greatest passions, I love all animals, but cats have certainly fascinated me, their nature is unique in the animal world and they are highly photogenic subjects. At home I have three of different ages and they are always making trouble or chasing some flies, they are really affectionate and I do not hide that it was a challenge to get them to get along, in any case 50% of the photos taken ago reaches optimal levels in terms of the subject's pose, they are truly incredible. Browsing the web it is almost impossible not to come across some photos or videos of a cat, this is because the range of emotions that these domestic animals arouse in humans is practically incalculable. They have certainly become the most viral subjects on the web and their rise does not seem to be stopping. Yes, I love photographing cats. View Photos
Zelda - The mammon cat. Sprizzi - The oldest cat.
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Five Detail [Italy] In My
A city, that of Messina, full of ups and downs, located in Sicily in the famous sea strait is certainly a naturalistic pearl, beautiful to see but difficult to live. However, it offers spectacular photographic scenarios and thanks to its multi-level conformation it shows breathtaking views that end in the sea with the peninsula so close and yet so far on the horizon. Having grown up here I feel both love and hate towards my land, I would not change the sense of freedom that you have admiring the strait with any other country and at the same time seeing it worsen in terms of livability in all these years has made something ugly that I hoped would remain splendid and magnificent. I would recommend anyone to visit it thoroughly from the sea to the mountains, any tourist can find ease in its innumerable naturalistic facets, even if in the city the chaos is evident walking through the alleys will bring to attention its historic buildings with friezes of ancient beauty. View Photos
Aquatic Sculpture - Walk to the sea. Resting Bird - Near the central station.
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All Projects
All Projects
Yucatán - Mexico Netherlands Petra - Jordan Cats & Cats Messina - Italy

What Photographer


My favorite subjects are definitely landscapes, urban and naturalistic environments, natural light can never be equaled by artificial light and gives the shot a unique and never reproducible essence, certainly also plants and animals are among my favorite subjects to photograph, but in general everything that is spontaneous and not preconstructed.


In the workplace it has happened to me many times that I have to photograph products, for them it is necessary to implement a whole logic different from the traditional photographic field, everything must be designed and studied in detail, it must respond to the needs of the customer and the users of the product, the light must be studied and almost always artificial, the final result is almost always spectacular.


Chichén Itzá The pyramid of Kukulkan Chichén Itzá Temple of the Warriors Chichén Itzá Pelota playing field Tulum Panorama from the site Tulum Portal on the site near Tulum Gazebo in the cenote Sian Ka'an River that flows into the sea Sian Ka'an View of the coast from the sea Playa del Carmen The resort with a view


ZAANS GEDAAN - ZAANDAM ZAANS GEDAAN - ZAANDAM ZAANS GEDAAN - ZAANDAM ZAANS GEDAAN - ZAANDAM Orthobotanist - Amsterdam Orthobotanist - Amsterdam Orthobotanist - Amsterdam Orthobotanist - Amsterdam Orthobotanist - Amsterdam Orthobotanist - Amsterdam Park - Amsterdam Park - Amsterdam Retouch


Archaeological site of Petra Archaeological site of Petra



Zelda Sprizzi Kira Zelda Sprizzi Kira - Sprizzi - Zelda Sprizzi Zelda Sprizzi & Zelda Zelda Sprizzi Zelda Sprizzi



Slide Strait of Messina The Cathedral City of Messina The Strait of Messina is a narrow strait
between the eastern tip of Sicily and the
western tip of Calabria.
Built during Norman time,
it was consecrated in 1197,
in the presence of Emperor Henry VI.

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